Green Roof House in Singapore - The Wall HouseGreen Roof House in Singapore - The Wall House

The green-roofed house is the work of the great architect Singapore, FARM and was completed in 2013 in Singapore. Land large enough that is about 1000 square meters used for magnificent and luxurious masterpiece. Green roof idea:meera sky garden housethe willow house in singapore with garden roofker…

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Truro Residence with Renewable EnergyTruro Residence with Renewable Energy

Renewable energy implemented in home design is certainly a form of human wisdom to appreciate nature and to minimize the influence of the environmental damage where the home is domiciled.This is one example of a home that is often the subject of discussion because it is environmentally friendly. T…

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Stone House with Grass Roof and Central GardenStone House with Grass Roof and Central Garden

Vo Trong Nghia, an Vietnamese architect firm has designed completely and built "Stone House" which also beautified of a fresh green grass on the rooftop and the central green garden that connect some rooms.This torus-shaped house is located in Dong Trieu, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam south east Asia…

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